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Benefits of Feeding Chaste Tree Berry to Horses

Dry vitex fruits (Vitex agnus-castus L.). This drug (Agni casti fructus) is used to alleviate symptoms of various gynecological problems like management of premenstrual stress syndrome (PMS).

Chaste Tree berries are the fruit of the chaste tree berry tree and traditionally the berries were believed to promote ‘chastity’. Chaste tree Berry supplementation is thought to help symptoms of PMS and menopause in women. Horse owners and veterinarians have observed an improvement in the behaviour of moody mares after taking chaste tree berry supplements as well, and it may have a beneficial calming effect in stallions and geldings, but to a lesser degree.

Research and anecdotal evidence on the effects of chaste tree berries seems to indicate that they have positive effects on hormone regulation, metabolic health, energy levels and the healthy skin and coat in horses and dogs. Chaste Tree Berry also appears to assist pituitary function and symptoms of Equine Cushing’s Disease in affected horses.

What are the Benefits of Chaste Tree Berry for Horses?

Chaste Tree Berry is believed to improve the mood balance and hormone health in horses, particularly moody mares in season. Horse owners and veterinarians have observed that chaste berries may have a beneficial effect on stress levels, moodiness, energy levels, and metabolic health of their horses, and that it promotes healthy skin and coats.

Chaste tree berry should not be used in horses or dogs that are pregnant or lactating.

What Are the Benefits of Chaste Tree Berry for Horses with Cushing’s Disease?

Equine Cushing’s Disease or PPID is one of the most common diseases in horses over 15 years of age. It is a disease that affects the pituitary gland, which is important in the regulation of hormones. Chaste tree berry is often used in horses with Cushing’s Disease as it is widely used for hormone regulation, so may assist with pituitary function and in the regulation of symptoms. Chasteberry will not cure or treat Cushing’s.

The supplement is also used for the improvement of energy levels, so this can help in regulating the fatigue of PPID. The regulation of energy levels may also improve the general mood of the horse, which may also help to combat the hormonal tides and decreased energy of Cushing’s Disease.

Where Can You Find the Chaste Tree Berry Supplement?

Crooked Lane sells premium, human-grade, whole and dried chaste tree berries as a supplement, in small and large packs for smaller and larger animals.

Do You Sell Chaste Tree Berry for Dogs?

We sell chaste tree berry for dogs and horses. The benefits of the Chaste tree Berry supplement for dogs are like those for horses in that they have been known to increase energy levels and regulate hormones.

Moody mares and horses with impaired hormone health have been observed by veterinarians to benefit from the natural Chaste Tree Berry. Contact Crooked Lane online or call 1300 787 041 to order Chaste Tree Berry for your horse or dog. We also offer a range of all-natural supplements available to order online.