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What are the Benefits of Rosehip Granules for Dogs and Horses?

wild rosehip tree in nature the picture shows the granules of red rosehip

Roses are typically associated with aesthetic beauty and decoration, and while they represent the epitome of nature’s exuberance, few people know that certain types of roses contain seed pods with incredible healing properties which are often overlooked. Rosehips are believed to have incredible health benefits for animals and humans, and may be a powerful natural supplement option for treating health conditions in horses and dogs. Here are some of the most common health benefits associated with rosehip granules.

Rosehip Granules for Dogs

The use of a high quality, certified rosehip supplement has been associated with reduced inflammation and the promotion of general health in dogs. Rosehips contain high levels of polyphenols and galactolipids which may help relieve pain due to arthritis, while significant levels of Vitamin C, E and carotenoids contribute to improved immune function and protection against free radicals in the animal’s body.

Rosehip Granules for Horses

The antioxidant properties of rosehip granules could provide increased protection against arthritis, and cardiovascular disease in horses. Animals recovering from poor nutrition, low Vitamin C levels and tissue damage may benefit greatly from the high vitamin content of these supplements. Rosehip granules for horses may also provide benefits such as:

Arthritis Treatment

The Osteoarthritis Research Society International’s findings show that proteins contained in rosehips may be associated with preventing arthritis by boosting immunity and strengthening joints and tissues.

Vitamin and Mineral Content

Rosehips are known to contain Vitamin E, D and A with additional anti-oxidants. They also supplement Vitamin C levels, contain Omega-6 fatty acids and high levels of polyphenols which work together to optimise a horse’s immune, muscular and skeletal functions.

Rosehip Granules for Dogs & Horses in Australia

At Crooked Lane, we believe in a health and nutrition paradigm which is firmly rooted in the notion that premium natural supplements and nutrition can transform the lives of Australia’s animals. Our passionate team meticulously curates the finest products available in Australia with expert insight from veterinarians. All products are delivered nationwide using our efficient national distribution network. Contact us today to give your beloved animals the health and well-being they deserve.